Green Stories

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test check

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I am a new grandma and want to make changes so that I can teach my grandchildren how to take care of the environment.

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Good for our community.

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I do the power saver items listed 54 points

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we want to do our part.

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We built our home back in late 2006 and move in Feb 2007. What's unique is that this home uses SIPS panels in place of studded exterior walls. This makes for a tighter fit thus reducing air leakage which lowers energy costs to heat and cool. We heat both would a dual fuel forced air unit and a wood stove to offset costs. We have an 8.745 kw PV solar array installed in 2014 that produces enough electricity to zero out our monthly bill. We also collect all rainwater off the roof and attached garage store it in 2 (1000) gal tanks buried, to do all of our outdoor watering. We compost all of kitchen scraps and use that to fertilize our garden and of course take advantage of the curbside recycling thus eliminating a need for regular trash pickup. My wife and I are interested in learning how to reduce our footprint further and look forward to learning from others.

You must be registered and logged in to leave comments is the new site to learn about and contribute to slowing global warming and preparing for its effects in Frederick County.

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Recently installed new shower heads and facets with water saver attachments Replacing burned out light bulbs with leds

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Good morning! We're here to help! Do you need assistance with the Green Homes Challenge or the Green Stories message board?

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Looking to make my "new" "first" home greener for myself, community, and environment.

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I am currently undergoing a kitchen renovation. All materials that will be removed, and not recycled through my daughter, will be taken by my contractor to the ReStore to be used. reused.

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Among our many blessings is being accepted in this Power Saver Retrofits program. While waiting for our audit, our air conditioning died in July when we were having the worst heat and humidity. We were very impressed by the professionalism and knowledge of Matt McDaniel and Kyle Heister who did out audit. Hagerstown Heating & Cooling was our contractor, who also did a phenomenal job for us. Because we had to work, we were not able to always be at home when they came, but granted them access to do what they had to do. Being able to do that showed how trustworthy these people were. We had a good experience from start to finish. We now have AC that works very well, and we thank everyone involved who made this happen for us.

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I always turn off lights in rooms not used. I unplug my computer so it doesn't run all the time. We wash with cold water in the washing machine.

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Good Day Bought a fixer upper.Boy oh boy needs lots of fixing. My objective is to focus on the green space for better atmosphere and to reduce my consumption of resources. Go Go Green, Mike

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February 2016: Replaced leaking shower faucet moen cartridge. replaced leaky ring in utility sink faucet. Got compost bucket for under the sink

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On 12/14/15 had 24 solar panels installed by Sustainable Energy Systems. I am thrilled to finally be part of the solution of saving energy and helping the environment.

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I own a hybrid car. Over time I am finding ways to drive and continue to see miles per gallon increase.

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Added a conservation garden and new tree. Reduce storm water runoff!

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Trying composting for the first time...great way to get rid of some of the "garbage." Not too hard of a change to make.

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try to cut back on heat and coolant

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We are currently in the process of building a "near zero" home in Brunswick, MD. Modular pieces have been built and will be placed on the land beginning of May, with a move in date of July 1st. Action Items in this challenge was a nice check list for us when planning and designing this house. Instead of updating and retrofitting an older home, we are making sure everything is done from start to finish of this home build. It is being built as a passive solar home.

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We collect our shower water in a 5 gallon bucket as it's warming and then use it to flush the toilet, water plants and as water for our cats.

You must be registered and logged in to leave comments Our green story made the cover of the real estate section of the Wall Street Journal

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Getting ready for tonight's Green Home Challenge recognition event! I am looking forward to seeing our certified households and recognizing them for their accomplishments- including an estimated $840,000 savings per year in utility costs! Plus we are able to give out some great prizes thanks to our event sponsors.

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After making energy improvements we put in aprox $14,000 of solar electric (after gov incentives) and we are now net zero with no electric bill. Our house is all electric so with the sale of the energy certificates earned by the solar our home actually pays us to live there!

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Installed a 10.3KWp solar system during July 21014

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Recent I completed construction on a new home for my daughter. We intentionally spent nearly $10,000 on energy improvement to reduce the monthly reoccurring cost of operating the house. Comparing there new home to the previous home, they are saving $130 a month. The saving will pay for the improvements in 6.5 years. The nice thing is this house is so much more comfortable without any hot spots in the summer or cold rooms in the winter.

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So excited to see how the small decisions we make everyday can add up and make you feel proud of your lifestyle!

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Planting Carroll Creek with 1,000 plants to mitigate algae growth in lieu of algaecides or expensive power hungry pump systems has been under way for two years. Join us at Color on the

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Upgraded electrical system from 100 Amps to 200 Amps; replaced wall A/C unit with central A/C; added 8" additional attic insulation; added attic exhaust fan to roof which makes attic much cooler in summer and lowers A/C costs; replaced wooden windows which had lead paint sashes with double-glazed aluminum windows; replaced back door and back storm door; added heavy living room drapes which keeps both heat and cold outside; thanks to Frederick County Refrigerator Exchange Program and am in the midst of replacing 1986 fridge with a much more energy efficient refrigerator

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Add my green stories here...

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I,m delighted to find this site. There are plenty of energy saving tips I can start on now and maybe next winter I won,t need to wear 3 layers clotclothing in the house

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If you purchase an Energy Star appliance over Presidents's Day Weekend, your purchase is exempt from Maryland Sales Tax! (

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It's great that Potomac Edison bills are down to about $35 since installing solar panels, down from over $100 before solar. Our insulation upgrade has been worth doing. both for comfort and energy savings. However, we did not receive the rebate from Potomac Edison for insulation and sealing retrofits in over a year since we applied, and nothing from the Maryland Energy Administration Residential Clean Energy grant program for solar in over 6 months, since we applied. :)

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We are so excited to be certified Power Savers and are now close to becoming Green Leaders. The steps we took to reduce energy costs in our home will definitely save us money down the line and reduce our environmental impact. In the last few months we have also replaced our water heater with an Energy Star model, replaced our old thermostat with a programmable one and we have sealed up leaks around our windows and doors which were found during our initial home energy audit (which I highly recommend!)

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We finished our Renewable Star challenge with the installation of our solar hot water heating system! It has been in for a little while now and we have already saved several hundred dollars in fuel oil!

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Although my peers and friends discouraged me to insulate my flat roof while I was getting the standing seam roof replaced, I decided to go the extra mile and invest in the insulation between the roof rafters. We used the environmental friendly shredded newspaper (cellulose) insulation. My friends I discussed this with argued that I would never get my invested money returned. After now 5 years having the insulation, I continue to encourage every house owner to go ahead and insulate their roof. Energy cost may be still cheaper than the invested cost for placing the insulation, but in the long term the climate in the house during winter and summer is much nicer and the energy bill is less than without the insulation. An additional factor is that we should change our attitude and think long term for future generations, in this case homeowners, who will appreciate this investment and not only short term.

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Solar power panels are installed and as of 19 July producing energy. All attic insulation work has been completed and we are awaiting rebate from Potomac Energy.

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July 15th and 16th: Atlas Home Energy Solutions are sealing attic and blowing in loose fill to increase insulation to R-49; sealing and insulating exposed band joist areas in basement, weather-stripping front and back doors, and insulating and weather-sealing the attic hatch. We expect half the cost to be reimbursed by Potomac Edison in about eight weeks.

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July 15th and 16th: Astrum Solar installing 26-panel photovoltaic system on our roof.

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We live in a cape cod, so the second floor has lots of knee walls with open spaces behind them. We hired a contractor to cut into the walls, insulate with blown fiberglass, polyisocyanurate foam board, and spray foam. I was excited about the benefits in the winter but am already nitocing a big difference this summer. Our house isn't a big brick oven anymore!

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